Girl World

It was recently brought to my attention, that I am not like most girls, or at least insanely girly girls.  A list was begun of reasons why I am unlike most females.  For starters, I do not wear a lot of makeup.  I do not know how to put on blush or coverup; I simply wear mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick or lipgloss, if I even feel like it.  I do not spend hours on my hair.  I never blow it dry, and some days I just roll out of bed without brushing it.  At college, I didn’t bring my entire wardrobe plus another with me.  I brought the basics and I wear them often.  I did not bring an array of dresses, skirts, shoes, tees, and blouses.  I do not even own a blouse (this may be untrue, I think I have one…), and I didn’t bring any fancy clothes to college, such as a cocktail dress.  I typically dress for comfort, and sometimes I leave my dorm not looking my best because I do not feel like it.  I’m not big into accessorizing; I own a limited amount of jewelry and I only packed a few necklaces at that.  It does not take me an hour or more to get ready in the morning, some days all I need is a solid fifteen minutes to start the day.  All in all, it was summed up that I act more like a boy in the appearance department.

At first when I was told this, I didn’t think much of it.  My friends who discussed it, offered advice, told me to go shopping with some girly chicks, stop wearing my favorite pair of lime green sunglasses, have my mother ship me more of my clothes, etc.  I took the comments lightly because I knew I was not going to change, but after thinking about the statements more and more, the thought popped into my head why are girls so obsessed with their appearance?  Sure, maybe most of them simply like looking nice, but who are they getting dressed up for?  Themselves, or the various people they will see in passing by, or a crush, or a boyfriend?  And, do these girly girls who spend hours prepping and putting on makeup and trying on clothes and doing their hair, how do they feel during the day?  Girls have a tendency to compare themselves to other women.  I admit, I am guilty of this.  There are days I wish I had another’s girl’s eye makeup, or her skirt, or her wavy hair.  It happens, but to be honest, I do not have days like those often.  I don’t want to sound braggadocios, but all in all I’m pretty happy with who I am, how I look, and I have confidence in myself.

I wasn’t thinking when I was being told to act more like a girly girl, but now that I’ve toyed with the topic, I’d like to say no thanks.  Not all girls dress like they are ready for the runway, and that is perfectly okay if one does.  But, I, on the other hand, am content with how I dress, how I act, and how I look; it is what makes me special and attractive.  I like to think I’m a breath of fresh air from perfumes, mascara, hair spray, and Hollister scented clothing.  I am comfortable in my skin, and in girl world that is pretty hard to come by.  The way I dress and present myself speaks to my character: I appreciate the simple, little things in life, I am laid back, I am not looking for people to impress me, and I do not put up a front.

And for good measure, I’d just like to say, as a girl I prefer men’s oversized hoodies because I think they’re comfortable; I enjoy wearing my soccer shorts and a V-neck even if I am breaking the rules of fashion, and I only learned how to curl my hair last year.