A Dying Breed

I must admit something: I am a hopeless romantic.  But, I want to clarify something, when I call myself a hopeless romantic, that does not mean I am hopeless and desperate to find love.  Hopeless romantics love love.  Hopeless romantics believes in passion, chivalry, true love, and we love always and forever.  We are the dreamers of the world; we are positive when it comes to love, and we are sincere.  We’re hopeless though because we are not made for today’s standards, and we are few and far between.

That was quite a sweeping statement I just made about myself and all other hopeless romantics, so let me explain.  I adore anything related to love.  I want to hear how a husband proposed to his wife.  I cry at weddings (even if I don’t know the couple very well).  I enjoy watching romantic films (The Notebook is one my favorite movies), and I’m interested in reading books with a good love story.  I write about love in my poetry.  I listen to countless songs on the subject of love.  I have a soft spot for slow, acoustic ballads and love songs (Death Cab For Cutie’s I Will Follow You Into the Dark).  I even really like Valentine’s Day.

I give my all in relationships; letting the other person know I miss him, I think about him, I care about him, I’m here for him, and I love him.  I don’t hold back; I say what I feel, and I allow myself to be vulnerable.  I’ve been hurt by love before, but I’m not bitter.  I’m a firm believer that if you love someone, you love them forever and always, because if you stop loving someone, then you never really loved them at all.  Love is not finite.  Hopeless romantics looks on the bright side of things.  I know there is someone out there for me.  Love exists; I’ve seen it.  It will happen when I least expect it.

Hopeless romantics are a dying breed and we don’t fit into today’s society.  How many other people get letters from the one they love?  I write letters to the person I love when we are separated by distance and even if we are close.  I write poetry for the person I love.  I leave sticky notes for the person I love that say sweet, little things.  I text the person I love sappy love song lyrics and quotes about love.  I believe in grand gestures.  I want a guy to throw rocks at my window, and when I open it he’s out there singing to me with a boom-box in hand.  I want a fancy dinner in the park at sunset.  I want someone to be chivalrous: holding doors for me, pushing in my chair, waiting to eat his food until I return.  I want someone to remember a little detail about me and surprise with a fantastic birthday gift.  I adore surprises and I love surprising others.  I want to stay up late with someone simply talking.

Maybe I’m unrealistic in my expectations.  Maybe this stems from watching Disney’s fairytales at a young age, and wanting my own happy ending.  Maybe I have these unbelievable ideals because I’ve seen The Notebook too many times.  Or, maybe this is how love should be.

