Actions Speak Louder Than Words



In writing it is so much better to show rather than tell.  You shouldn’t simply say: she was sad.  You should show: she wiped at the tears cascading down her eyes.  Showing, as opposed to telling, is more descriptive and gives a better picture for what a character looks like and acts.  Similar to life, one should show rather than tell.  And what I mean is that actions speak louder than words; a person should do as opposed to simply say.


This weekend, my mother surprised me with a visit at college.  I was shocked when I opened my dorm door and she was standing there.  I had not expected the surprise visit, and I was more than ecstatic to have her with me at college for the weekend.  And, in 33 days from today one of my very best friends will be visiting me as well.  Gestures, such as visits, show how much someone cares.  Now, obviously my mother and my entire family show me how they care and how much they love me; that is not what this blog post is about.  Rather, this blog post is about friendships and realizing who your true friends are.


While at college you realize who you are closest with and who will eventually fade away.  My best friends, despite their busy schedules, post things on my wall on Facebook, call me, drop everything to skype with me, write me letters, text me throughout their school year, and inform me about their life at college.  Best friends make an effort to show you that they care about you and that they love you and want you in their life.


Some people I consider my friends, but if I were to get hurt by a boy or need someone to vent to or wanted to share my good news, they would be on my list of people to talk to.  I care about them, but since they do not go out of their way for me, I do not make an effort either, and it is mutually understood.  On the other hand, if a good friend hasn’t talked to me in a while, I do not hesitate to call or write them a letter because they have made it known to me that I mean a lot to them and I simply know they are busy.


People who have time and time again showed you that they care, really do.  But, if some people only tell you how much they care, they are not putting in enough of an effort to be a very good friend.  If you are doubting how much a friend cares about you, trust your gut, because there’s obviously a reason you feel conflicted about a friendship.  I know someone who has countless times told me they loved me, told me they cared about me, told me they are there for me, and told me I mean so much to said person.  That same person even told me twenty years from now we will be in touch; however, I am skeptical.  The reason for this is simple, this person is all talk and no action.  This person has hurt me in the past, apologized, made excuses, promised to change, and then nothing happens.  And today I realized that I am sick and tired of the words and the promises and the apologies. This person’s words are meaningless to me because there is no action to back them up.  This person’s hollow words have left me feeling bad because I want to believe the words, but every time I end up being let down.  I’ve shown how much I care, I do as I say, I’ve tried to construct a friendship with this person, and it’s trying on my mental state.  In a much earlier post, I vowed to let people go in my life who do not show me that they deserve my friendship, and this may be on of those instances.