Writer Problems

1.  Not knowing when to stop editing something.  Because a piece can always go through more drafts.


2.  Running out of ink when you bring a pen somewhere.  Because it’s only when a writing implement isn’t nearby that a great idea comes to you.


3.  Not being able to find your go-to notebook filled with ideas.  Because it feels like a part of you is missing.


4.  When someone asks you to write about them.  Because you’ll probably insult them in some fashion or you just can’t write about people you know.


5.  Unsure if you should bring your laptop or your notebook or both.  Because sometimse it’s best to type something, and other times a piece is still in its scribble down words in a notebook phase, but sometimes you can’t tell, and lugging around both makes one’s bag heavy.


6.  Editing everything.  Because you become a grammar nazi and have penned edits on pamphlets, magazines, and other’s work.


7.  Can’t read without a pen in your hand.  Because that metaphor is just too good to pass up and the word “red” definitely has to lead to a theme and you didn’t know the definition of  petrichor.


8.  Choosing the main character’s name for a piece.  Because the name has to sound right, the meaning needs to encompass everything your character is, the spelling needs to look good on paper; and it’s practically the most crucial decision.


9.  About to fall asleep and THEN getting the best ideas.  Thusly sacrificing sleep.


10.  Writer’s block.  Because if we’re not writing, our life has no purpose.