Summer Playlist

Because summer demands a playlist!  You need those songs when you’re headin’ to the beach, jams while you get ready for a summer date, and explosive beats for those late nights.  And of course, I’ve got you covered:


1.  Shadows BY Breathe Carolina is the electronic, sexy, bass induced song you can play on repeat and feel like a badass.


2.  Walks Like Rihanna BY The Wanted is 2014’s What Makes You Beautiful: cute, sappy, and fun to sing along to.


3.  Radioactive BY Imagine Dragons ushers in a thick bassline, a catchy chorus, and a sound that’s perfect after the sun sets.


4.  Walk of Shame BY P!nk is a funny, raunchy pop jam that every girl can holler and scream while in the car.


5.  Whip It BY Nicki Minaj is a fun, crazy song that is probably the epitome of a good time during summer.


6.  Summer BY Calvin Harris has got the dub step you need, the title that’s necessary, and the beat that’s bumpin’.


7.  #SELFIE BY The Chainsmokers is a commentary on society: hastags, bitches, whores, parties, selflies, and electronic music; it’s so bad it’s good.


8.  Ragga Bomb BY Skrillex is hardcore EDM with them bass drops, a fast paced tempo, and that classic Skrillex edge.


9.  Dark Horse BY Katy Perry is imaginative, fresh, and a little bit of a club jam.  Perry’s pushing the limits.


10.  Timber BY Pitbull featuring Ke$ha is dynamite, a perfect song to swing your hips to, and meant for the car ride to the beach.

Summer Lovin’

To me summer is romantic, especially for the youth.  No school, so everyone is a bit more laid back and stress free.  Summer allows for watching the sunset on the beach, going out for ice cream late at night, and goofing off outside with sidewalk chalk or silly string, or simply relaxing under a tree.  And there’s always been this dreamy idea that with summer comes summer flings, so in honor of those, I’ve put together a list of summer love songs.  So share a headphone with that special someone….


1.  So, I was going to say Boys Like Girls’ “Thunder,” but since my Itunes is on shuffle and I literally just heard their song, “Red Cup Hands Up Long Brown Hair,” that will be the first song on the list.    It’s an up beat, bubble gum sweet pop jam all about this crazy, beautiful girl.


2.  Blink 182’s “The Rock Show” is a classic must hear summer love story song.  Occurring at Warped Tour, the well known rockstar summer camp and concert, a boy falls in love with the girl at the rock show.


3.  With the word summer fling in the lyrics, one can not go wrong with Dropout Year’s “Tire Swing Romance.”


4.  Do you know what the cutest love song is?  Fight Fair’s “Pop Rocks.”  This pop punk gem is all about love and how the singer will text his girl all day and leave her notes on her car telling her how pretty she is.  Adorable, right?


5.  A good cover never hurt anybody, and Her Bright Skies (voted one of the 100 bands to watch for in 2013 by Alternative Press Magazine) nailed Usher’s beloved jam “DJ Got Us Falling In Love.” With a pop twist, this song is wonderfully made for summer now and not just the clubs.


6.  Hot Chelle Rae is my idea of the epitome of summer because their songs are utterly joyful and poppy and upbeat, so it’s fitting that their song, “The Only One” make this list.  And as the title hints at, this pop gem is about how a girl who changes a boy’s idea of love and shows him love can be beautiful and it’s okay to be vulnerable and thusly that girl is his only one.


7.  One may shutter at the name: Ke$ha, but one must give her credit that she does churn out artificial pop wonders that almost every one can sing along too, and she does it again with this summer worthy song: “C’Mon.”  All about partying, staying up late, and finding someone you’re attracted to, this is the soundtrack to every summer bash.


8.  Mayday Parade’s blast from the past song, “Jamie All Over” is another fast paced love song for summer.


9.  Plain White T’s never disappoints with their cute lovey dovey songs from “Hey There Delilah” to “1,2,3,4” and they’ve done it again with “Rhythm of Love.”  This laid back, beach laden, slower paced song is all that one needs while watching the sun set.


10.  With Summer in their name, you can’t go wrong with this band: The Summer Set.  Pure pop at it finest with indefinitely adorable lyrics and catchy choruses and of course, their songs are infused with happiness and that touch of summer everyone needs.  So, really any of their songs will do for your summer love song playlist, but I’ve hand picked “Boomerang.”


Where To Write

This could just be me, but as a writer, I have a list of places I want to go to write.  I want to tote a notebook with me to different locations, plop myself down, and write until I can’t any longer. I’m sure plenty of others have the same writer’s bucket list as I do, and others who are passionate about what they do have a similar vision.  For example, bands often dream of going to specific places around the world and playing shows, and athletes hope to play at certain stadiums for varying reasons.

So here’s a condensed list of where I’d like to go to write (mind you some are quite odd):

1.  There is a hill in my town and for some reason, I have this desire to go there, preferably around dusk.  I have this idea of being completely isolated up above the earth and writing what I feel, see, hear, and cannot explain.


2.  This is my total wanna-be hipster moment: Starbucks.  I can just imagine it, sipping my double chocolate chip frappucino with pen in hand hurriedly scribbling on paper my post modern thoughts.


3.   I’d like to be a beach bum for a day and watch the ocean waves crash on the shoreline.  I’d like to go during winter though, when no one is really around, so it can just be me, the salt, the sand, and the sea.  The ocean has already inspired  so much of my work, so I feel like it’s trying to tell me something.


4.  Forsyth Park in Savannah Georgia.  If you’ve never been there, it’s a must see because of how gorgeous it is, complete with an elegant fountain, an ampitheater, surrounded by little stores, quaint houses, and coffee shops; and there’s plenty of grass to lounge around, start a soccer match, or find a shady spot to write.  The atmosphere is so calm, plus as an added bonus, there’s always a plethora of people so one can people watch and make up stories for each one.


5.  The Hollywood Sign in California seems like the best spot to write about materialism, beauty and ugliness, and greed.  I don’t even know if people are allowed by the sign, but if I become a well known author or poet one day, maybe someone will dig up this blog post and allow me my chance to achieve my goal.


6.  Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, New Jersey.  For some reason people have this terrible idea of New Jersey, as it is sometimes referred to as the armpit of America.  But, if you’ve ever visited this museum, and traversed the acres of land that boast of thought provoking, hilarious, and elegant sculptures, you would think twice about Jersey.  I could get lost in the artwork and write for hours.


7.  The Eiffel tower in Paris but only as I am enjoying some delectable French food.  Paris is supposed to be beautiful, and what better way to become inspired than a breathtaking city?


8.  Having never left the East Coast but once in my life, this next one is also on the list because I need to see the beauties that lie in the western states: The Grand Canyon.  Surrounded by such nature seems awe-inspiring, plus it’s  flat out a must see.


9.  This one is ever so fitting, but a book store.  HOWEVER, not just your typical Barnes and Noble, no no, it needs to be an obscure book store or a one of kind only popular by the locals of the town.  I’m feeling The Book Lady Book Store in Savannah, Georgia.  It’s quaint, stuffed to the roof with books, and quiet.


10.  Lastly but certainly not least, a rooftop or a balcony.   There’s just something about heights that thrills me and urges me to write.  This one I’m going to be vague with because I could go to New York City and find a rather tall building and write from there, or I could go to a friend’s two story house, make my way out the window, and write from that height.  Guess I’ll see what happens.


But I encourage all aspiring writers and even veteran writers to make a list like this because you never know what will inspire you and sometimes it’s just nice to get out of your routine writing spot and try something new.

Summer Songs



Ever since I went to the beach yesterday, I’ve been on cloud nine just thinking about summer.  I was so excited that I made myself a playlist of summer, beach-y, poppy, upbeat tunes that I could blare in my car or while I am relaxing by my pool.  So, crank that iPod and get ready for the best season of them all.


1.  “I will always remember/making out ’til the sun went down/counting stars from the hood of a car/catching my friends as they were falling down.” – Every Avenue’s Days of the Old.  It’s a shout out to summer.

2.  “Lets just kick it in the summer heat/Meet me at the boardwalk in pacific beach.” – Fight Fair’s Brain-Freeze!  The song’s chorus is all about being young and having fun, exactly what summer encourages.

3.  “Then you lost your shoes as it started to rain/And your jeans soaked through/But you smiled anyway.” – The Summer Set’s Lightning In a Bottle.  When it’s summer everyone is a little more carefree, and that is what this song is about, just living in the moment and enjoying life.

4.  “What do you say we leave for California/If we drive all night, we can make it by the morning.” – Metro Station’s California.  Summer day trips and summer vacations.  This incredible pop song describes just packing and going to California.

5.  “Baby you light up my world like nobody else/The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed.” – One Direction’s What Makes You Beautiful.  Now I’m not a fan of this boy band; however, this song is just so optimistic and happy and it always puts me in a great mood, and summer does too, so they go hand in hand for me.  Plus, I have memories of me and my best friend blaring this song as we drive down the road.



6.  “The sun set too soon in this town/We’re pushing statues to the ground/I know you are the reckless kind/The crashing is the sweetest sound.” – Avalanche City’s Sunset.  This song begins with whistling and the cute, bubbly melody just leaves a smile on your face.

7.  “And we’ll stay out all night/’Cause rest is for the dead.” – Hit the Lights’ Stay Out.  During summer teens stay out until the wee hours of the morning, and sleep in until mid afternoon, so this song is quite fitting.

8.  “I spill my heart from coast to coast/Fall in love with everyone I know/Sometimes it isn’t where you’re going/It’s who you’re with.” – Mayday Parade’s Get Up.  Off their sophomore album, this song is about experiencing love and heart break in different parts of the States.  And with summer comes flings and loves and flirts.

9.  “Hey windows down, chillin’ with the radio on.” – Hot Chelle Rae’s I Like It Like That.  This upbeat song is all about partying, having a good time, and just letting loose.

10.  “There’s a place off ocean avenue/Where I used to sit and talk with you/We were both 16 and it felt so right,/Sleepin all day, stayin up all… night.” – Yellowcard’s Ocean Avenue.  Need I say more, this song is the epitome of summer.



Spring Break Goals

My Spring Break starts in 23 days all together and that is only 14 school days.  I have been especially stressed this quarter.  Do not get me wrong, I love all my classes, and I wouldn’t change a thing, but I never feel like I simply have a breather to just relax and enjoy myself.  I am constantly doing school work, and if I’m not, I’m thinking the school work I could be doing.  There are nights, I swear, I’m doing homework in my sleep.  I work ahead, the word procrastinate is not my vocabulary, I always do my extra credit assignments, I take notes about everything, and I spend hours on projects.  My main goal is to get all As in every class, and I feel as though I have dedicated myself to that goal.  Close friends of mine call me a nerd, an overachiever, crazy, and people tell me I stress way too much.

Over my Spring Break I want to kick back and relax before the next quarter rolls around.  So, I’ve decided to set a few goals, nothing lofty, but things I’ve wanted to do the entire quarter yet haven’t had a chance to do because I’ve been so busy with schoolwork.  Over Spring Break I want to focus on me and not on work I have to complete.

1.  Sleep the day away.  I just want to lie in bed all day, not have to get up, chill in my pajamas, nap all day, and just be lazy for once.  I do get sleep at college; I have a bedtime I pretty much stick to, and I get at least 8-10 hours.  But, there are nights in which I just toss and turn because of stress, and I’m usually tired 99% of the day, and some mornings I don’t want to leave my bed, and usually I can’t sleep in.

2.  I want to go to the beach, enjoy some seafood, make a sandcastle, chill under the sun, and play in the ocean waves.  The beach is my favorite place on Earth, and I’m about 30 minutes from a great beach, but I never have the time to go, so I’m going to be a beach bum during my Spring Break.

3.  I want to walk around the city I now reside in.  There are so many shops to be explored and so much to do, and I simply don’t have time to stroll the streets and take in everything.  Plus there’s a new chocolate store I’ve been dying to try.

4.  I want to chill in my school store and simply read the magazines.  I briefly got a chance to do this one day, but I could only spare time for an article.  And I didn’t have time to read the article I was most excited about.  I want to browse the fashion magazines and read about my favorite bands and ponder the pieces in the artsy magazines.  I want to enjoy some easy reading.

5.  I want to go outside and write; I haven’t had a chance to do this all quarter.  Whether I write in a notebook in a beautiful square, or simply type on my laptop at the field by my dorm; I just want to immerse myself in my craft.

6.  I’ve been told I worry about the time too much, and it’s true, I am constantly checking the time because all I can think about is deadlines, when I have to be somewhere, and how much time is left in the day to accomplish tasks.  For at least a day, I do not want to look at the clock.  I don’t want to worry about the hour; I just want to enjoy the day.

7.  There are a plethora of restaurants near me, and I never get a chance to eat out because grabbing something from the cafeteria is simply quicker and allows me to eat and work.  Just once, I’d like to try a new restaurant and enjoy some delicious food, a nice sit down meal, and good company.

Spring Break, I’ve been waiting for you…