The To-Do List

While the opening credits played across the movie screen, “Me So Horny” by 2 Live Crew began the movie’s soundtrack.  Instantly, I knew the R-rated film, The To-Do List (starring Aubrey Plaza) would be hilarious, not take itself too seriously, and be incredibly raunchy.  And honestly, it’s one of the most creative films I’ve seen in a while.

The plot line is as follows: Brandy Klark, nerd, valedictorian, and naive teenager, gets mocked at her high school graduation for being a virgin.  After her friends drag her to an out of control party, she eyes up the college hunk, Rusty Waters, and vows to broaden her sexual horizons.  Brandy Klark then does her research and compiles a list consisting of sexual experiences she hopes to cross off before summer’s end and before she goes off to college.  The last thing on the list is losing her virginity to Rusty Waters.  And so, Brandy Klark’s mission begins.

Brandy Klark is quite the loveable character because of her frankness and her vulnerability.  She also embodies every teenager who wishes they could have their first kiss or have more sexual experience than their friends.  Her over the top personality coincides with the rest of the exaggerations in the film.  For instance, Brandy Klark’s family is absolutely ridiculous: Brandy’s mother is much to willing to help her daughter gain sexual experience (she even gives Brandy lubricant!), and Brandy’s father is far removed from sex in general, and Brandy’s sister is caught up in her looks and boys.  The exaggeration continues into Brandy’s workplace as well: her boss, who owns a public pool, cannot swim, and Brandy Klark is hazed the first week at her new job, and her burn out boss goes so far as to proclaim she is part of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee after Klark’s bikini top falls off.  Brandy’s adventures with her friends borderline on absolutely absurd as well.  But, even though this movie is off the wall and the events that occur, though could happen, are not likely, make this movie fun and humorous; yet, the film also sends a message.

The To-Do List does an exceptional job of discussing a topic that can be a little taboo in America: sex.  In most films, boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, conflict aries, cue the sensual sex or make out scene, resolution, happy ending.  What I just described is the epitome of a romantic film or a romantic comedy, but The To-Do List is not a romantic film.  Yes it is a comedy, and yes sex is heavily involved in the film, but the film manages to extricate romance from sex providing viewers with a film that answers age old questions about sex in a laugh out loud kind of way.

I think the film is a must see, but different generations should probably not watch the film together, because then it may become awkward.  Teenagers will enjoy the crudeness of the film and the awkwardness of it.  The older crowd may find it a tad too raunchy but will probably appreciate that the film takes place in the early 90’s and the film will probably remind older generations of their firsts.  So, go buy a ticket!

You Know You’re A Writer When…

As writer’s we’re passionate about words, we love to create characters, dialogue, and plots, and we enjoy reading.  For a few laughs, I hope you enjoy this funny (yet totally true), blog post.  YOU KNOW YOU’RE A WRITER WHEN:


1.  You write your Christmas cards as if you’re writing the next Great Gatsby.


2.  You go to parties and read the titles of the host’s books, and secretly judge the host on their chosen literature.


3.  You know at least ten synonyms for the word “blue.”


4.  You become so emotionally attached to your characters that you actually cry when something bad happens to them or you call your mother to tell her what wonderful event took place in your character’s life.


5.  You never leave home without a notebook and a pen.


6.  You always use proper grammar.


7.  You narrate in your head as you go about doing everyday tasks.


8.  It’s 3 AM in the morning and you cannot fall asleep because you need to open a Word Document and begin writing because your writer’s block finally went away and now you’re just full of ideas.


9.  You collect words and sentences.


10.  In your free time, all you do is write, think about writing, or you read.


11.  You leave a character unnamed for more than 10 pages simply because you are waiting for it to hit you because the name must capture everything the character stands for.


12.  Something terrible happens in your life or a friend’s life and you think, “Wow, this is good material for my next book.”