You Know You’re A Writer When…

As writer’s we’re passionate about words, we love to create characters, dialogue, and plots, and we enjoy reading.  For a few laughs, I hope you enjoy this funny (yet totally true), blog post.  YOU KNOW YOU’RE A WRITER WHEN:


1.  You write your Christmas cards as if you’re writing the next Great Gatsby.


2.  You go to parties and read the titles of the host’s books, and secretly judge the host on their chosen literature.


3.  You know at least ten synonyms for the word “blue.”


4.  You become so emotionally attached to your characters that you actually cry when something bad happens to them or you call your mother to tell her what wonderful event took place in your character’s life.


5.  You never leave home without a notebook and a pen.


6.  You always use proper grammar.


7.  You narrate in your head as you go about doing everyday tasks.


8.  It’s 3 AM in the morning and you cannot fall asleep because you need to open a Word Document and begin writing because your writer’s block finally went away and now you’re just full of ideas.


9.  You collect words and sentences.


10.  In your free time, all you do is write, think about writing, or you read.


11.  You leave a character unnamed for more than 10 pages simply because you are waiting for it to hit you because the name must capture everything the character stands for.


12.  Something terrible happens in your life or a friend’s life and you think, “Wow, this is good material for my next book.”

I Am Waiting


I have been surrounded by inspiration, and my fingertips are practically begging me to write.  My notebook has been whispering my name, and every single pen is yearning for me to use it and write.

As a writer, I am very picky about when and where I write, which isn’t a good thing.  I should write every day, no matter what, but unfortunately with school and chores and people to see that doesn’t always happen.  Lately, though, writing has been the only thought in my head.  Yesterday I read the literary magazine that my high school publishes each year.  There was a plethora of poetry in it, and after reading through it, I was determined to write.  I have just begun reading F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, This Side of Paradise, and much like his famous book, The Great Gatsby, the language is so lyrical and elegant.  His diction encourages me to pick up a pen and write.  I also collect song lyrics, and after scouring through various artists’ work, I feel the need to put my thoughts on paper.  I’ve also been telling people that this summer I plan on writing, so I want to back up my claim.

But, I haven’t reached for a pen, I haven’t opened a new Microsoft Word document, and I haven’t even teased myself by formulating some type of literature in my head.  I haven’t even read through my past poems to try to sparks something.  I guess, as much as I’d hate to say it, I am procrastinating.

I’ve been inspired, but my desire to write has not reached it’s full potential because I am waiting for the opportune moment.  I am waiting for more time, as opposed to only a couple of hours.  I am waiting until everyone else in my house is busy or out, so I can commit to my own solitude.  I am waiting for a day when I have no plans and nothing else on my mind but writing.  Basically, I am waiting for a time in which I can pour my every thought and emotion onto paper without interruption or worry.