More Music

I wish I could go to a concert every day.  I wish music just played from my shoes so silence no longer existed.  I wish I reviewed albums for a living.  Music is my life, even though I am not a musician.  And because so many great albums are being released or have been (La Dispute, Breathe Carolina, Taking Back Sunday, The Pretty Reckless, Onward Etc), music’s been on my mind.  So do enjoy some quotes about music because I just can’t get enough of it:


1.  “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” – Bob Marley


2.  “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.”  – Victor Hugo


3.  “Music became my religion, the record store my church, the rock stars my saints, and their songs my hymns.” – Dave Grohl


4.  “Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid.” – Langston Hughes


5.  “That’s one of the great things about music.  You can sing a song to 85,000 people and they’ll sing it back for 85,000 different reasons.” – Dave Grohl


6. “Music can change the world because it can change people.” – Bono


7.  “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” – Plato


8.  “Music is to the soul what words are to the mind.” – Modest Mouse


9.  “You’re like a song that I heard when I was a little kid but forgot I knew until I heard it again.” – Maggie Stiefvater


10.  “Music is the strongest form of magic.” – Marilyn Manson

Autumn Acoustics

Fall is fast approaching: the weather’s getting cooler and no longer reaching 80 degrees, our windows our open to let the air in, my brother begins preseasons soon, and the grocery stores around us are all prepared with Halloween candy.  And I suddenly have a laundry list of things to do before I return to college.  Summer can be classified as relaxing, lazy, and fun; whereas, Fall, its a metamorphosis.  Fall’s almost like an in between season, taking Summer and turning it into Winter.  Fall’s weather breaks us in for Winter’s icy ways.  In the Fall, the leaves change color, fall off their branches, and then curl up and die, a reminder that nothing grows in Winter.  The days become shorter as we prepare for Winter’s short days and long hours of darkness.  For me, acoustic songs represent Autumn the finest.  I can’t quite explain why, maybe it’s the rawness of Fall paralleled in acoustic songs or maybe it’s the idea of a slower acoustic song contrasted with the business that Autumn brings.  Anyway, here’s a list of Autumn acoustics, enjoy!


1.  All Time Low’s “Stay Awake” acoustic version reminds us to get a grip and set things straight, sometimes a necessary reminder during Fall’s chaos of going back to school, preparing for upcoming holidays, and more.


2.  Brand New’s “Play Crack the Sky” is their last song on their album, Deja Entendu.  The breathtaking ending to an energetic album is exactly what their listeners needed.  Fall is a breath of fresh air from the summer’s oppressive heat.


3.  The Spill Canvas’ “All Hail the Heartbreaker” is a heartbreaking tale but perfect for Fall.  Maybe it’s time to let go of a summer fling or maybe you’re just devastated that summer is coming to a close.


4.  Taking Back Sunday’s “Cute Without the ‘E’ (Cut From the Team)” acoustic version slows the song down immensely, reminding us that though Autumn can be a chaotic time, every once in a while one must slow things down.


5.  Yellowcard’s “Only One” acoustic version turns into a ballad instead of the ravenous, explosive song it once was.  This song illustrates the transformation that comes from summer to Fall or Fall to Winter.


6.  Every Avenue’s “Where Were You” is a classic acoustic song that simply strips away the layers of a once pop infused jam and Fall can be seen as a time of peeling away summer to reveal something completely new and different.


7.  Drop Out Year’s “Breaking Bones In ABC Order” is about the misery one feels after heartbreak, which can be listened to if one is mourning the end of summer.


8.  A Day to Remember’s “You Had Me At Hello” proves that people are not all that they seem.  The hardcore band shows their soft side on this song, which shows that Fall can be a time to reinvent ourselves.


9.  Dashboard Confessional’s “Hands Down” is one of their classic songs acousticized (new word…), and it’s a simple reminder to try something new come Fall; Autumn is a welcome change that encourages people to step out of their comfort zones.


10.  A Change of Pace’s “Weekend Warrior” acoustic version rings in Fall because with Summer you could stay up late and the days sort of all ran together, but now the weekend becomes crucial to relaxing, partying, and bonding with friends, and this song is the anthem to the weekend.